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When it comes to family pictures, the days leading up to the photo session can be stressful.

I’m here to help you be prepared and relax all at the same time for your photoshoot coming up. Here are a few tips that have helped me and my clients over the years.

1) THE OUTFITS: Finding the right outfits doesn't have to be hard. Make sure to coordinate everyone's outfits and have them try it on a few days/weeks ahead of time. This will ensure everything fits comfortably, and that you didn’t miss anything. By planning ahead, if you do need to replace or add something, you still have time.

2) PREP TALK: A few days leading up to the photoshoot, start small conversations with your family about the photo session. Get your spouse and the kids to be familiarized with the idea of the photoshoot and prepare them for what to be expected. If you have small kids and plan to use sweets as a bribe, preparing a candy/snack bag would be wise (don't forget to pack some wipes as it could get messy). Continue to talk to your kids daily to prepare them for the photoshoot, especially if they’ve never experienced one before.

3) THINGS TO AVOID: Please avoid giving any colored drinks to the kids prior to the photo session. This is to help avoid any stained mouths from food dyes. If you have a small child, avoid naps right before the photoshoot so they don't wake up cranky. Be sure to bring two of each sweet for backup in case you run out before the photo session is over.

4) THE DAY OF THE PHOTOSHOOT: The few hours leading up to the photoshoot, make sure everyone is well fed. Getting hungry during a photoshoot is no fun. Do not have the family dressed in their outfits until after they have eaten to avoid getting food or stain on the outfits. Always pack a backup outfit in case a child might get themselves during too early in the photoshoot, this will help you not stress over how the picture will turn out.

5) TRUST: Lastly, trust your photographer. Whether it's the photography style you like or someone referred your photographer to you, you selected them for a reason, you must trust them to do their job. They are the professional and it is their duty to give you an unforgettable experience when you let go of worries and trust in the process, you'll notice the amount of stress it's lifted from your thought.

I hope these tips help you prepare for your next family session. Remember, have fun, relax and enjoy!

P.S. If there is a topic that you would like me to write about, feel free to send me an email. I would love to hear from you.

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